I am so excited to introduce my blog!  I have thrown the idea around of creating this space for years and as a newlywed and first-time homeowner, I felt there was no time like the present!    

I’m an Indiana native living in Los Angeles. I moved in LA after I graduated high school at the end of 2005. I shoved everything I could fit into my bright red '91 Toyota Celica and drove across the country with very little in my bank account.  I went through a great deal of struggles to eventually land on my feet.  Through various jobs and money-saving techniques, fueled mostly by $5 footlongs & generic spaghettiO's, I eventually found myself accepted to my dream, school, UCLA.

Although I admire people that have their life planned out and are able to stick to it, I wouldn't change my journey for anything.  I learned how to make friends, let go of things that weren't serving me, struggle (and struggle some more), manage bills, live within my means and land on my feet in a completely new environment.

A mix of seeking a creative outlet and having a lot of life experiences was the perfect recipe to start this blog.  I am excited to see where this new project takes me.  I hope to share all of my experiences as a baseball wife, homeowner, traveler, coupon-cutter, DIY'er with you.  If you have any suggestion for content you would like to see here, drop me a line.